Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tips Strategies to Make Resolution for Next Year

One of the rituals of the New Year is to make RESOLUTION. Yuppzz! RESOLUTION. Actually, what is a resolution? Literally, the resolution was written statements, usually containing the demands of a thing. If in the context of early resolution, this resolution could mean as plans to be achieved during the next year. What makes it important resolution ..? Yes very important ..! This is so that our lives are not interrupted at one point. If you want an improvement, at least we must dare to change for the better is by making well-planned resolution. Then, how to make a good resolution ..? Consider the following tips.

If you want to progress so at least we must dare to make a resolution. Then, how the heck do I make a good resolution? Consider the following tips.

1. Correction of Resolution of the Year.
Yup! The first step to make next year's resolution is to correct the resolution we've ever made for this year. There is not still missing? If there is not yet achieved, it is better evaluated. Ask yourself whether it really wants to accomplish or not. What makes you so hard to reach that resolution? If it really still want to, do not hesitate to write back the resolution and establish new ways to achieve it.

2. Think Back What You Want.
The first step to get something is to want it. If desire alone does not exist, how can we achieve it? Think back to what you really want. Would like to have a new business? Want to pass? Want to explore new places? Or want to be more productive? Write it down. Believe me, God will see and hear our will-large or small whatever. Where there is desire, there is a way.

3. Set Target.
After writing down everything that you want, do not forget to write down the target. The target in this case is "when" deadlines that you set for yourself and the "how" you want to achieve. For example, next year you want to have a new business. You set a January should have prepared everything, and in February began selling. Do not forget to target also how much your stuff will be sold. This could also apply to other matters. Anyway, specify its timeline, so more regularly.

4. In addition to the Achievement in Content, Something You Need to Increase Non-Material.

Literally, the material is anything that looks. For example, cash, cars, jewelry, certificates, home, and so on. Usually, people write the resolution was limited to the material. In fact, there are non-material things that you have to write well. For example, improving relationships with family, friends, or neighbors. Add skill in communicating or socializing, better maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as enrich the knowledge by reading more books can also be a choice of non-resolution material. Whatever it may be an option for you to improve something that is non-material.

5. Promise and Committed and Give the Gift to Yourself.
The most common error in making resolutions is a lack of commitment to carry out the resolution. The result is not all that resolution can be achieved. Tricks you can do is to give a gift to yourself when you managed to achieve that resolution. How to? Yes could in any way. For example, spoil yourself when you achieved what you have planned.
How? It is enough enlightened?


"People who are lucky are those who today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today."

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