Saturday, December 26, 2015


This time I want to discuss about how to write a good blog article, good and quality.

Blogging, like it or not, like it or not, is the activity of writing. Through the writing was a blogger express opinions, ideas, thoughts and personal experiences to others aimed at providing benefits for those who read.
Because it is supposed to be a blogger to master how the technique of writing a good article. Because, as good as what a blog, limited only as good as the articles in it. (You agree?

As a blogger, of course, we hope to present a good posting, posting a shared voluntarily by the reader, a post that gives real benefits for others, is not it?
But why some authors are very successful with their articles? While others only get a 'sweat' and did not produce anything?
Let's find out why it can be like that. And the first question is:
Is your article could provide a way out of a problem or just a 'written'?
Let's continue the discussion of the steps and how to make a good article.
Good article is like?
In my opinion, it's simple: good article is a useful article.

In the early days of blogging, I read many other blogs (even now), I also read a lot of books. I 'happy and entertained' read it, but I do not get something that I can apply in practice.
Furthermore, I often see (and read) a lot of top writers serving troubleshooting guidance and direction that looks 'great'. Directives that sounds good, but when applied does not actually solve the problem, but actually make things worse.
In other words:
Good article is an article that works well, not only to readers, but also for its author!
Good article, not just writing 'charming' readers, but it is an article capable of providing real benefits. Useful articles are articles that help you achieve your goals!
Then, how to make a good article? Some of these things need attention:

1. Long posts
Write down all you need. Write down all could unravel all of what you want to convey. No more, no less!
Often you can cut sentences and words that are not necessary, throw it. Create a simple fixed posts, but can convey the contents well. In my opinion, there are no standards of how a minimum word count for a great article. Some say at least 300, 500 or 700 words. I think not.
Write down any long or short anything, if it is able to provide real solutions to complete, it is a good article. The use of words and sentences that are not necessary, it does not make it to be a better article.

2. Grammar and spelling
Learn to use the grammar and spelling are good (I still learn). Write non-standard spelling, it will not help much, unless you are very specific audience (community youth slang for instance).
Unless you're writing a scientific journal, using the grammar and spelling are flexible (but still consider the rules of language) is one of the factors that make a word 'good' to be enjoyed.
However, this does not also mean you have to strictly use the grammar and spelling are very raw. Writing with too sticking to the grammar and spelling are strictly raw, can also make the writing becomes very 'stiff' and monotonous.
Punctuation also not be forgotten. I own every time you finish writing always took time to read once again from beginning to end to check the grammar and spelling problems is.

3. Lightly read
The use of grammar, phrases, terms, imagery, or spelling improper and excessive will quickly make blog visitors stop reading immediately. Keep writing to keep it light and easy to digest into something very, very important.
If people are unable to digest, interpret and apply the solution or instruction in your writing, then you have failed to present a good article.
Divide fairly long article into several sub-headings. Use the illustrations, images and text formatting (bold, italics, underline, etc.) to clarify the contents. Use sentences that are not too long. And lastly, as a test, read aloud your writing as you talk: comfortable are heard?

4. Topics
Of course, the topic is something that is important in a post. Write about what you love, what you feel comfortable with the topic.

5. Style Language
Writing in the manner and style of writing that is well understood by your audience is another important thing. Understanding different people in digesting an article, there was the need for you to customize text with your audience. Perhaps you need some time to adjust and find a style that is appropriate.

6. Intonation
As well as verbal language, written language also has intonation, depending on the purpose of the author. There is a positive tone, there is a commanding tone. There insinuating intonation, there is peace, there is a friendly, there were confrontational, opposite, vulgar, impressed covered and so forth.
Adjust intonation with the purpose of writing. Practicing continue until you find what suits your own character. I myself prefer the positive tone, and always invite people to think positively (or you find another intonation in my writings?)

Have you ever felt he had found a topic but also began to write, just because you do not find any reference that could be cited? I often.
But now I realize it was a mistake. Citing the opinions of others (especially an expert) is a good thing, but also not to make us postpone creating a post just because other people have not found the writing to be quoted.

Our blog is in fact not an encyclopedia that almost always require a referral. Write down as much as, knowledge, and experience yourself about something. If you find other new things, you just update it. It was much better than you put off writing until you find a referral.
Those are some things to consider in making and writing an article. But from all that, there is one thing that I think is most important, namely:
"You have something to say"
Hhmmmmm ... Yes, you have to have something to say. I see a lot of people make the article on their blog, write something on social media all the time: when they do not have something meaningful and valuable to share. Surely you also see it.

Possibly because they have to meet the schedule of 'mandatory update', or they want to keep 'is considered to exist', the result will be the same: if there is something useful to be shared, it will only worsen the reputation of its own.

No matter how good your blog? As good as your most recent article! Do you want to be known as the 'big mouth', who diligently updated every day, without making a real contribution to the readers? Or you want to be known as a person who consistently presents articles that are valuable and useful to the reader? "Go out! looking for something new, meet people, ask questions, combine and cook ideas, doing experiments, and share with others " From there begins a great article! Do not wait for the perfect moment!The impasse in analyzing the problem is one of them. Missing spirit and confidence to write is another. Do not have time, hhmmm ... other cause again. So that makes me pause and continue to defer to write. I kept waiting for the right and perfect to start writing.

The perfect moment will never exist! I feel I have something good to write about. I see something happening and a trend and I have an opinion about it. But ...... I continue to wait, to wait until I find time 'proper', when that is full of energy, while vigorous (and inspiration?), To have contributed and to write it down. But unfortunately, I found that while the 'right' that never arrived. And I realized, it is wrong! Do not delay, write down what you have in your mind today, when you have to have something useful and valuable to share. One question: do you just "spit out" something to the visitors of your blog? Or do you give your own real experiences, through your writings? Instead of thinking of more value to the reader, many people simply 'spew' back what already exists in the minds of many people. Instead, experiment useful later tell a result, many people simply 'bounce' back, recycle, even just 'regurgitate' the same story, the same news, the same topics, the same angle, exactly as written by everyone. If you want to make a good article, you can not just by reading and hearing something, then 'threw' granted to the readers.

You can not, so finished reading an e-book, then immediately 'vomit' on your blog. "If you have done something of value, it means you have to have something of value also to be shared." Learn everything from anywhere. Then digest, analyze, and apply. Whether it works well and is useful for your own? If yes, then you can then share them with others, based on that experience. Never write about 'getting money from the blog', until you really have to earn money from your blog. Do not teach people about Adsense, if you've never tried to run Adsense. The bottom line is: write something about what you are learning. Honest with your own experience. "Write what have you try and apply, not just what you hear and read" Then what should we do to be able to write a good article? Learn something new, apply and test it, even if it means having to deal with failure. Read. Hear. Discuss. Asking. Make sure you do not just 'gobble' but also digest, implement and test. There is no way to make the article better than that.

The conclusion is:
Do not share what others tell you. But share what we have done and we apply. Something of value: to be read, to be shared, to be linked and as a source of learning, and you do not need to wait until the perfect moment! What is your opinion? Do you have another definition of a good article? Or you have any tips its own way make a good article? It would deign to share via the comments. May be useful.

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