Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tips For Setting Time Can Be More Productive

Time is something that is very valuable because the elapsed time can not be played back. Often we can not complete the task on time is not because we are too busy, but we have not really able to manage our time well. Set the time is very important in order to maintain productivity. Here are the tips that we can employ to manage our time so that productivity can be maintained.

1. Planning activities at the beginning of the day
Plan your day so regularly. When I wake up in the morning, do not forget to plan the day. "Today is going to perform any activity?". Do not forget to record what is important to do that day. This activity is very important to plan so that no obligations are missed.

2. Make it a priority!
Make it a priority is crucial so that you are not afraid to live a day. In our lives, there must be some-or even a lot of tasks and obligations that must be dealt with. Well, this is the importance of setting a priority. We must also be able to distinguish what is critical, important and less important. Sometimes we still keep the ego self to do something fun, but less important. Things to know also is that everyone has their priorities. Sometimes, what you think is important, is not necessarily important to another person. Vice versa. Make your priorities themselves so that you can finish your job on time.

3. Focus when doing an activity.
Focus! If you're working on a task, focus with the task. Do not get distracted by thoughts and other things that can disrupt. Focus is the key factor in the success of an activity. When you're doing your job and you're distracted by other things (out of focus), you will need more time to work on one's your job. Begin firmly in yourself to be able to focus when doing an activity.

4. Delegate some work.
If the job is too much, why should you delegate some of the work to one person reliable. When you're involved in several events at one time, you do not need to over-exert themselves to do everything themselves. It deals with priority. Once you know where your priorities, you can choose which one should be first carried out and which can be delegated. If you are more important in the X, then you can delegate someone to represent you in a Y.

5. Recognize hours Your Productive!
Believe it or not, people have a productive time different. There are productive in the morning, there was also productive in the evenings. When we do something on our productive time, we are more able to make the time to be more effective and efficient. Vice versa. For example, you are the type of people who are earning at night, you could do something more optimally at night and would have trouble having to do it in the morning.

6. Commitment
All plans will be in vain if there is no commitment to make reaita. The things mentioned above will become useless if you do not have a commitment. Often we've set everything up neatly, but our own lack of commitment to themselves. Commit to something you've designed yourself. What is the point already planned everything if we do not want to implement what we have planned? Time management will be useless if not accompanied by a self-management.

"Let us together set the time and yourself"

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