Saturday, December 26, 2015

Summary Novel "The Da Vinci Code"

Book Author: Dan Brown
Compiled By: StevenWhatZitTooya

While in Paris, Harvard symbologist, Robert Langdon suddenly surprised by an important call from one agent DCPJ (Direction Centratale Police Judiciaire) who want to investigate the death of a renowned curator Jacques saunie're at the Louvre, Paris. His death was very tragic and surprising because many found secret messages were enigmatic in his body and on the floor near the body. When Langdon studied in more detail, Landon assume that the curator in a few minutes on his deathbed have mimicked the drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Vitruvian Man" with the remains of his body but it is also her drawing symbol "pentacle" is particularly symbolized by "Venus" which is a symbol women religious of the food on blood naked abdomen using a bullet that penetrated his chest bone.
In addition, Landon observe Sauniere's message that enigmatic with rows of symbols / code numbers written on the parquet floor using a black-light pen / stylus watermark that can only be seen under black light. When Langdon felt cornered with questions Captain Face which is an interrogation did not directly accuse Langdon as the main suspect, suddenly Landon and Face surprised by the arrival of Sophie Neveu an agent of the department of cryptology DCPJ who pretends to have solved the riddle message curator and he also pretends to convey a message to Langdon from the United States embassy. For the sake of a mission to uncover the death of Sauniere, Langdon and Sophie finally makes Landon and Sophie as a fugitive and suspect primary Sauniere's death.
As Langdon and Sophie peel layer by layer messages and puzzle Sauniere. They were stunned when they found a series of clues hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous .yaitu a message and instructions aimed at Sophie, because there writing letters PS initials of the abbreviation "Sophie Princes" and is also a favorite call to his lone granddaughter Sophie Sauniere Neveu. Seeing something terrible, Sophie sad and feel sorry for having misunderstood what his grandfather and his friends in a private chateau in Normandy Paris 10 years ago. The situation became increasingly sad and shocking when Langdon find a link in the message puzzle Sauniere.
Based on the information Sophie about the strange events conducted by his grandfather and his friends in the castle 10 years ago, Langdon could conclude Sauniere was involved in the Priory of Sion is a group of secret brotherhood whose members include Sir Isaac Newton, Batticalli, Victor Hugo and Leonardo Da Vinci. Besides, Langdon suspected Sauniere associated with a hunt to solve the big mystery is a mystery that is enlightening and dangerous because its existence has been hidden for centuries by a secret society.
Sophie understood why his grandfather Sauniere write the name of Robert Landon in his last message, because it may just Langdon believed his grandfather to help solve symbolism, puzzles code and a series of letters-letters in each line of his grandfather who is a clue to unravel the mystery of the Holy Grail had been hidden by his grandfather, and also can make misunderstanding Sophie to her grandfather. After a long sharpen the brain solve the puzzle Sauniere complicated and challenging they were both able to find an a key / secret map to find the Sangreal documents / Holy Garil that documents containing information on the other side of the story of Jesus in fact, books Jesus' original teachings of the book, the text also personal remarks Maria Magdalena (The Magdalene Diaries) and also a complete sislsilah early descendants of Christ stored together with a coffin Mary Magdalene.
        Until now the documents in hidden and guarded secret, for fear of being caught, and getting caught by the Church firmly opposes the existence of Jesus as a mortal prophet and also want to destroy all evidence of the recognition of Christ that has descended from the results of romance with Mary Magdalene. After finding what they are looking for, Langdon and Sophie go out of the Louvre escape proceeded to the place Rue Haxo No. 24 according to the instructions written on the key. Once they reached the Rue Haxo No. 24 Langdon and Sophie enter Zurih to a Depository Bank Swiss Bank that the Bank will offer services with computer code without names and digital bake up nirwajah only use the account number and the private key. Langdon then insert the key opens the gate and iron safes room. Just one more step to find out what Sauniere save in safes, Langdon and Sophie feels confusion because they do not know the account number.
After long thought, at last he remembered the message puzzle Sauniere which uses anagrams Fibonanci row numbers that are used to attract the attention of Sophie to come to the place of the incident. It was true figure Angram message Sauniere was his account number. Once it opens safes Apparently the contents of a cryptex, a cylindrical stone the size of a tennis ball cans or pipes kaleidoscope of multi-round containing written information written on papyrus scrolls were easily destroyed if someone incorrectly enter the code. One way to open the cryptex that by arranging the letters of keywords contained in the circle. On the way in order to find a safe place for labiran solve puzzles to open the cryptex, Langdon suddenly occurred to meet Leigh Teabing in Chateau Villette, a professional in the world of the Holy Grail. he is a former historian of the English nobility who have full information about seputaran Grail. On arrival at the castle Langdon tells Teabing meet its objectives and also urged the Teabing could provide some information about the Grail and can assist them in solving the puzzle Sauniere to open the cryptex.
After Teabing provide more detailed information about the history of the Holy Grail, thinking about how to solve the puzzle inside the cryptex, suddenly Langdon, Sophie, and Teabing shocked by Silas Coming of an Albino who entered silently through the window, pointing a gun at them. However, because of the speed Teabing fool Silas, Silas eventually be captured and secured to the make evidence of crimes against Sauniere and third Senechexnya. After police DCPJ know where Langdon and Sophie in Puri. Langdon, Sophie, Teabing, Remy and Silas left the castle captive use Teabing aircraft Hawker / Garrett TFE-731 toward the airfield at Biggin hill England.
After a long sharpen the brain eventually they managed to open the cryptex using keywords SOPFIA. But apparently in the cryptex cryptex again there are smaller in size with keywords a 4 line poem "In London lies a knight a pope buried". Face after a long and busy Collet track where Teabing, Langdon and Sophie in the UK. Face quickly followed to the UK as he contacted the London police to cooperate catch them. Collet and other current police check- peculiarity that is around the castle where Teabing stay. It was there they discovered a network of dark / tapping that can detect the presence of the Louvre Museum where Jacques Sauniere, museum Jeu de Paume where Jean Chaffee, Agency Intelelijen France where Michel Breton, library Mitterrand place archiver senior Edouard Desrochers and chief adviser to the constitutional place Colbert sostaque are all dead killed at the same time.
With ingenuity cliffs can fool and bribing officials Biggin Hill airport, they finally escaped safely then continued on his way to church to find the old temple of knights to open the second cryptek. Upon arriving at the old church they did not find anything in the tomb is the key word, instead they were shaken by the presence of Silas and Remy pointing a gun towards Sophie and Cliffs to request a second cryptex.
After Silas and Remy managed to take the cryptex, they hostage Teabing and deliver Silas went to the residence of Opus De. Remy then went to the limousine to the Park St. James's. In the garden that is all secret identity revealed. It turns out that as long as this is considered as the Supreme teacher who manipulate Bishop Aringosa and Silas in finding mission keystone and the Grail is Leigh Teabing himself. For fear of unknown identity Silas, Teabing told Remy deliver Silas to the Opus Dei in london. After successfully taking the cryptex from her hand and then Teabing kills Rémy the only eyewitness who knew Teabing's mission and identity as Supreme Master. With a stare full of fun because plans have been partially successful, Teabing out of the limousine entered the monastery of Westminster London to find the tomb of Isaac Newton.
Upon arrival Silas in Opus Dei centers London, suddenly the police surrounded Silas central Opus Dei. When Silas shootout with the police, he suddenly shot the gripping her shoulder from behind. Then Silas frightened when he saw Bishop Aringosa collapsed shot. On the way to the hospital bishop recounted that he had been betrayed by a man posing as Maha teachers. With a rueful, Silas kneeling unconscious and died.
After a long search for information about a knights buried in London. Then they went to the monastery of Westminster visiting the tomb of Isaac Newton to solve the final clue in finding the Grail. But their arrival has been preceded by Teabing who also have the same purpose. Teabing had been 10 minutes observing the tomb in detail, but he did not manage to answer the meaning of the referral of the marble cryptex keyword Sauniere was in his hand. Breathing deeply and then Teabing think of other ways that utilize Langdon and Sophie's expertise in solving puzzles keywords Sauniere poem that has to do with Newton's tomb.
Then Teabing store messages for Landon and Sophie to come Chapterhouse. On arrival at the Chapter House, suddenly Langdon and Teabing Sophie was surprised to see that in worries stood pointing a gun at them both. They feel at hiyanati when Teabing identifies all the actual chain of events, which wants to reveal the truth about the Sangreal documents to the world. He also considers Jacques Sounire and four senechaux his (people important in France) have been traitors and disappointing Grail because it can be purchased by the church pressured him to spread the truth about the Sangreal.
In addition, he also told how he had cleverly involving Opus dei in the conspiracy that led to the destruction of the entire church with inciting Bishop Aringosa who are having problems and haunted confusion / panic because Opus Dei must break away from the Vatican and establishing itself as a Christian organization own. Then Teabing who introduced himself as a great teacher came to offer cooperation to uncover a manhunt Grain that can give enormous power to bring down the Vatican., For the sake of the mission, the bishop and Silas followers obey what is commanded by Supreme Master to carry out all his plans included killing Sauniere and his third senechaux who have given false instructions.
After explaining everything in detail and clearly, Teabing gave the cryptex to Landon that he is willing to cooperate in opening cryptek. In a situation of pinched when confrontations at gunpoint, Landon went back to Teabing who was pointing a gun towards Sophie. Then secretly cryptek landon open it and insert it into his jacket., Suddenly the body of the man seemed to instinctively let go of his gun raised himself fore dropped his cane when he was about to reach Landon cryptex thrown towards Cuba. When she realized Langdon and Teabing rolled stared at Sophie who stood pointing a gun to him. Without the suspect then Bezu Face and London police came to arrest Teabing lying helpless on the floor.
Face is currently out of the interrogation room, he thought that a historian Teabing clever and ingenious, Teabing had made meticulous plans in the settings so that they can protect themselves on any charges. This historian has been manipulate the Vatican and Opus Dei. Dirty work has been carried out unknowingly by a fanatic monk and a bishop Silas is desperate namely Aringosa. More astute again Teabing has put listening devices in the offices of people who are very influential in Paris to learn about the Holy Grail, which carried out all the tasks by waiters loyal Remy who was also the only person who knows the identity of Teabing truth but unfortunately Remy has died were killed by him. Before continuing his journey to Paris, the captain went to the hospital Face St.Maria to meet and see the state of the Bishop Aringosa lying helplessly weak. With great regret that Bishop tells Silas involvement in the murder of Sauniere Jacquise, third senecauxnya, and a nun in Sain Sulpice. Clearly he also recounted one by one horrific chain of events that must be carried out on the orders of the bishop and his Master's Silas (Teabing).
The next trip, Langdon and Sophie went to visit Rosslyn Chapel / in Scotland. Arriving at the place, suddenly Langdon looked to the end of the famous sanctuary carved with symbols of the Christian cross, Jewish star and asrologi image, plants, vegetables, pentacles and roses. They both entered into the room of the sanctuary was greeted by a young man as a guide in the chapel. Sophie stood transfixed feel familiar with this place, a sudden memory of his childhood haunt, he remembers this place Sophie had to wait for his grandfather who was mengucapakn farewell to someone behind the door near the stone house. Then she was out of the room toward the stone house next to it.
Through the mighty door stone house, Sophie met an old perempun. It turned out the woman was her grandmother Sophie / Sauniere wife whose identity has been kept secret and is considered to have died with the crash that befell his parents when little Sophie. After they met and took off homesickness, his grandmother explained everything that happened and the reason why they were forced to split it merely to protect the security of Sophie are considered to be direct descendants of Maria Magdalena and Jesus Christ. Besides, the grandmother also explained the history of the Holy Grail and the actual location where the Grail is.

Arriving in Paris, he emerged from the Ritz walked to the Louvre. It was there he discovered something important from the Louvre pyramid building. His eyes were staggered on a smallest building decorated with art and the world's best art. Da Vinci and Bottically. At the end of the tunnel in a room large Louvre, Langdon could see hanging from the top of the inverted pyramid-shaped glittering letters V and just below he saw a miniature pyramid protruding upwards. The second pyramid pointing parallel to each other perfectly. Landon then remembered the words grandmother Sophie about the existence of the Grail and poetry professor/curator Jacques Sauniere. It turns out the search of the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene, a trip to pray at the feet of the outcast. Langdon now successfully mememecahkan message Sauniere and managed to find the Holy Grail that is now in miniature of this pyramid. Sauniere had restored the original place of the Holy Grail in Paris in Lauvre. ***


This time I want to discuss about how to write a good blog article, good and quality.

Blogging, like it or not, like it or not, is the activity of writing. Through the writing was a blogger express opinions, ideas, thoughts and personal experiences to others aimed at providing benefits for those who read.
Because it is supposed to be a blogger to master how the technique of writing a good article. Because, as good as what a blog, limited only as good as the articles in it. (You agree?

As a blogger, of course, we hope to present a good posting, posting a shared voluntarily by the reader, a post that gives real benefits for others, is not it?
But why some authors are very successful with their articles? While others only get a 'sweat' and did not produce anything?
Let's find out why it can be like that. And the first question is:
Is your article could provide a way out of a problem or just a 'written'?
Let's continue the discussion of the steps and how to make a good article.
Good article is like?
In my opinion, it's simple: good article is a useful article.

In the early days of blogging, I read many other blogs (even now), I also read a lot of books. I 'happy and entertained' read it, but I do not get something that I can apply in practice.
Furthermore, I often see (and read) a lot of top writers serving troubleshooting guidance and direction that looks 'great'. Directives that sounds good, but when applied does not actually solve the problem, but actually make things worse.
In other words:
Good article is an article that works well, not only to readers, but also for its author!
Good article, not just writing 'charming' readers, but it is an article capable of providing real benefits. Useful articles are articles that help you achieve your goals!
Then, how to make a good article? Some of these things need attention:

1. Long posts
Write down all you need. Write down all could unravel all of what you want to convey. No more, no less!
Often you can cut sentences and words that are not necessary, throw it. Create a simple fixed posts, but can convey the contents well. In my opinion, there are no standards of how a minimum word count for a great article. Some say at least 300, 500 or 700 words. I think not.
Write down any long or short anything, if it is able to provide real solutions to complete, it is a good article. The use of words and sentences that are not necessary, it does not make it to be a better article.

2. Grammar and spelling
Learn to use the grammar and spelling are good (I still learn). Write non-standard spelling, it will not help much, unless you are very specific audience (community youth slang for instance).
Unless you're writing a scientific journal, using the grammar and spelling are flexible (but still consider the rules of language) is one of the factors that make a word 'good' to be enjoyed.
However, this does not also mean you have to strictly use the grammar and spelling are very raw. Writing with too sticking to the grammar and spelling are strictly raw, can also make the writing becomes very 'stiff' and monotonous.
Punctuation also not be forgotten. I own every time you finish writing always took time to read once again from beginning to end to check the grammar and spelling problems is.

3. Lightly read
The use of grammar, phrases, terms, imagery, or spelling improper and excessive will quickly make blog visitors stop reading immediately. Keep writing to keep it light and easy to digest into something very, very important.
If people are unable to digest, interpret and apply the solution or instruction in your writing, then you have failed to present a good article.
Divide fairly long article into several sub-headings. Use the illustrations, images and text formatting (bold, italics, underline, etc.) to clarify the contents. Use sentences that are not too long. And lastly, as a test, read aloud your writing as you talk: comfortable are heard?

4. Topics
Of course, the topic is something that is important in a post. Write about what you love, what you feel comfortable with the topic.

5. Style Language
Writing in the manner and style of writing that is well understood by your audience is another important thing. Understanding different people in digesting an article, there was the need for you to customize text with your audience. Perhaps you need some time to adjust and find a style that is appropriate.

6. Intonation
As well as verbal language, written language also has intonation, depending on the purpose of the author. There is a positive tone, there is a commanding tone. There insinuating intonation, there is peace, there is a friendly, there were confrontational, opposite, vulgar, impressed covered and so forth.
Adjust intonation with the purpose of writing. Practicing continue until you find what suits your own character. I myself prefer the positive tone, and always invite people to think positively (or you find another intonation in my writings?)

Have you ever felt he had found a topic but also began to write, just because you do not find any reference that could be cited? I often.
But now I realize it was a mistake. Citing the opinions of others (especially an expert) is a good thing, but also not to make us postpone creating a post just because other people have not found the writing to be quoted.

Our blog is in fact not an encyclopedia that almost always require a referral. Write down as much as, knowledge, and experience yourself about something. If you find other new things, you just update it. It was much better than you put off writing until you find a referral.
Those are some things to consider in making and writing an article. But from all that, there is one thing that I think is most important, namely:
"You have something to say"
Hhmmmmm ... Yes, you have to have something to say. I see a lot of people make the article on their blog, write something on social media all the time: when they do not have something meaningful and valuable to share. Surely you also see it.

Possibly because they have to meet the schedule of 'mandatory update', or they want to keep 'is considered to exist', the result will be the same: if there is something useful to be shared, it will only worsen the reputation of its own.

No matter how good your blog? As good as your most recent article! Do you want to be known as the 'big mouth', who diligently updated every day, without making a real contribution to the readers? Or you want to be known as a person who consistently presents articles that are valuable and useful to the reader? "Go out! looking for something new, meet people, ask questions, combine and cook ideas, doing experiments, and share with others " From there begins a great article! Do not wait for the perfect moment!The impasse in analyzing the problem is one of them. Missing spirit and confidence to write is another. Do not have time, hhmmm ... other cause again. So that makes me pause and continue to defer to write. I kept waiting for the right and perfect to start writing.

The perfect moment will never exist! I feel I have something good to write about. I see something happening and a trend and I have an opinion about it. But ...... I continue to wait, to wait until I find time 'proper', when that is full of energy, while vigorous (and inspiration?), To have contributed and to write it down. But unfortunately, I found that while the 'right' that never arrived. And I realized, it is wrong! Do not delay, write down what you have in your mind today, when you have to have something useful and valuable to share. One question: do you just "spit out" something to the visitors of your blog? Or do you give your own real experiences, through your writings? Instead of thinking of more value to the reader, many people simply 'spew' back what already exists in the minds of many people. Instead, experiment useful later tell a result, many people simply 'bounce' back, recycle, even just 'regurgitate' the same story, the same news, the same topics, the same angle, exactly as written by everyone. If you want to make a good article, you can not just by reading and hearing something, then 'threw' granted to the readers.

You can not, so finished reading an e-book, then immediately 'vomit' on your blog. "If you have done something of value, it means you have to have something of value also to be shared." Learn everything from anywhere. Then digest, analyze, and apply. Whether it works well and is useful for your own? If yes, then you can then share them with others, based on that experience. Never write about 'getting money from the blog', until you really have to earn money from your blog. Do not teach people about Adsense, if you've never tried to run Adsense. The bottom line is: write something about what you are learning. Honest with your own experience. "Write what have you try and apply, not just what you hear and read" Then what should we do to be able to write a good article? Learn something new, apply and test it, even if it means having to deal with failure. Read. Hear. Discuss. Asking. Make sure you do not just 'gobble' but also digest, implement and test. There is no way to make the article better than that.

The conclusion is:
Do not share what others tell you. But share what we have done and we apply. Something of value: to be read, to be shared, to be linked and as a source of learning, and you do not need to wait until the perfect moment! What is your opinion? Do you have another definition of a good article? Or you have any tips its own way make a good article? It would deign to share via the comments. May be useful.

5 Job Hunting Strategies

Looking for a job modern era, it is not easy. You must compete with hundred people, even hundreds of people. Basically a lot of work into your target. You can target jobs in companies, banks, educational institutions, and so forth. I recommend look for jobs that match your PASSION. By working according Passion, you will work as closely as possible. Therefore, here I present some very strategies how to hunt for a job. This strategy I get from reading the book that I bought when I entered the lecture. Happy reading.

Looking for a job modern era, it is not easy. You must compete with hundred people, even hundreds of people. Basically a lot of work into your target. You can target jobs in companies, banks, educational institutions, and so forth. I recommend look for jobs that match your PASSION. By working according Passion, you will work as closely as possible. Therefore, here I present some very strategies how to hunt for a job. This strategy I get from reading the book that I bought when I entered the lecture. Happy reading.

1. Tips to Find a Job on the Internet
Internet you can make as an alternative to look for a job. Here are tips that you can apply, including:
a. The absolute first do is to decide in advance whether to send your application via the         official website of the company directly or by a second party intermediaries such as forums, websites vacancies provider of workforce;
b. In sending CV AAU Cover Letters try to fill the fullest information that can reflect your personality;
c. When sending a resume. Make sure your resume has been prepared correctly and neatly;
d. Use a cover or cover so that the HDR will be easier to read the contents of your letter intent;
e. Do not waste time blindly sending out resumes to fields outside of your coverage;
f. Still keep continue the development of working position you seek, whether there are vacancies or already filled with other parties;
g. Maintenance or in other words, keep trying, do not give up, and continued to update the resume, CV, cover letter your work. In this case, try to not understand the meaning of the word "surrender".
2. Tips To Avoid Scams When Finding Work
In looking for a job you have to be careful of whose names Fraud. Moreover now many people are cheated due to lack of awareness in the hearts of the job. Therefore, here are some surefire tips to avoid scams that impersonate jobs, including:
a. Ensure the correctness of the company. Is it true or perhaps a fraud;
b. Record and find out no telephone can be contacted, an important tip in this case is not to respond to the job if the only listed no hand phone, because the scams often do not dare to include a home phone or office phone;
c. Try to analyze logically wages or salary offered, whether rational if too excessive. Do not let you be tempted by a large income so that by it you become rational thinking;
d. Do not forget to note the date the application was published in the print media and when expiration;
e. Please be extra careful if you are just one day send a cover letter but already There are calls or assurance that your application has been received. Beware ... beware ...
3. Job Search Tips, but you Already Working
Are you currently working? Then you are not satisfied with your present job, because it does not fit with your passion? Do you want to run away from the job to find the ideal job for you? If it can be done? The answer is: CAN.
Here's a tip light on the matter:
a. Avoid the use of internet services, office phone, and e-mail office. It is intended that no one knows the office that you would like to find work with a new atmosphere;
b. Use ethics properly. Print out your resume with your personal printer. If you do not have a print elsewhere. Try not an office printer;
c. You as close as possible a secret key, that you are looking for a new job, this can be done by minimizing unnecessary communication with the people who are in an office environment;
d. If you receive a call (interview), keep executed outside office hours;
e. Focus! The point is to do with the professional office tasks. Adilah nature of your job. Do not let you leave a bad image for the company you are leaving.

4. Job Search Tips for New Graduates (Gress Graduade)
Unemployment is one of the creatures who feared for the person who just graduated from his education period, either the Diploma or Degree. Usually before becoming unemployed person will have a high confidence. The desire to work more peaked, but the reality of work in our country is limited. Quota jobs inversely proportional to the quota graduates looking for jobs.
Then where do you have to look for jobs?
Here I lay out on a job that might be suitable for you, including:
a. Newspaper Local or National. You can read it in the ad;
b. Magazine or tabloid Job. You can find a job that suits your educational background;
c. Job Market. Usually every few months there is a special event for job seekers such as Career Days, the Job Expo, Job Fair. On campus there is also like the event;
d. Bureau of Employment. You can deposit your CV or follow a training program to then be distributed to companies that need workers;
e. Announcement board on campus is usually attached Job Information. Usually there are from companies, institutions courses, and educational institutions;
f. Job Sites. You could be searching in:
    -, etc.
g. Search Engine or search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Usually when there is a civil servant or servants recruitment companies will many personal websites or blogs that inform;
h. Mailing List / Mailing List Job Seekers. You could be searching in:
     - Etc.
i. Acquaintances (friends, neighbors, relatives). Could be them, office, or their acquaintances there who are looking for people who can be trusted to work. Be honest work.

5. Winning Tips Compete with Other Competitors in Finding Work
In the world of work will not be separated from the name of competition. It was an absolute happen in any case. But you do not have to worry about following some surefire tips ahead to compete with other competitors in terms of finding a job.
a. Education
- S1
- S2
- S3
Do not be discouraged, because the title above is not absolute. Factor many others that will be considered by the HRD.
b. Certification
     - CCNA (International Certificate in the Field of Communications Networks with Cisco

     - MSCE (International Certificate in Microsoft Product Mastery)
     - CISA (International Certificate in Audit Sector)
Certificate pocket what you have today?
Whether the certificate is labeled national or international?
Or you do not at all have the certificate competition your own field?
c. Language
    - English
    - Japan
    - Korea
    - Germany

    - Netherlands, etc.
d. Training
e. Organization
Active in the organization is very important to develop your personality. Be thankful if you are active in the organization, because the organization:
    - You are skilled working with your colleagues (Team work)
    - You skillful negotiation (Negotiate)
    - You skillfully manage activities (Management)
    - You are able to lead the organization (Leader)

If you have fulfilled the above section thankful, because chances are you will be well received. work honest, responsible, and disciplined.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Stress? It's Here, 7 Ways to Make Fresh Body and Mind Back

Anyone has the potential for stress. Routine work or college often makes one's stress. So is the problem that came and went as one that will surely come in human life. No exception for Gooders all right? Piling, piling tasks, tired and bored with the routine. Not to mention other problems with family, friends or neighborhood add cloudy mind. Dense bustle and overwhelming problems inevitably make you all feel like running away.

Stress should be treated friend. Because, of course, Gooders do not want the stress it makes all the work and duties dispersed? In fact, if the severe stress that has accumulated will increase the burden of each of our lives. Not infrequently stress due to the severity of the problem resulted in someone disorientation. The worst, when mistaken people even feel life should end? Oh, do not let it happen. So, how the heck cope with stress levels that are high-height? Listen guys.

1. Yoga is a sport that can make calm tablets.
Yoga has been known to be a good activity for overcoming stress. You can do so before going to bed or when you feel bored and tired middle.
The benefits of yoga are well known. In addition to the physical nature, such as reducing chronic pain or make you sleep better, regular yoga practice can also improve mood and reduce stress.
A group of researchers found a link between yoga and stress management. In a report that was uploaded in 2012 in Medical Hypotheses, called yoga can reduce stress because movements can improve the nervous system imbalances.

2. Massage / Massage.
For active women, today's lifestyle patterns can be used to cope with stress. One is a trend massage or body massage.
Perform massage the body (body massage), because this activity is good for relaxation and make a return to normal blood pressure. After the massage, you will experience improved quality of sleep which of course can restore tired bodies.

3. Interaction with colleagues or friends.
Fun socializing. Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, says that doing something good would reduce frustration in the working environment. Call it, you help colleagues by sending an e-mail useful information. In addition to helping others, interaction with the surrounding can also help refresh your mind.

4. Listen to music.
Research in 2008 by the University of Maryland School of Medicine revealed that listening to your favorite music for 30 minutes a substance capable of releasing Endorphins to reduce stress and relieve pain. It is also more useful, either because the body becomes attuned to the sound of music you listen to.
Listening to music can also help improve the immune system and reduce stress mental state. In general, the impact of listening to music is the reduction in muscle tension, heart rate slows, and increased energy appropriate with rhythm.

5. Take advantage of the entertainment media.
In the era of advanced technology as it is now, you can also take advantage of entertainment using the gadget. You can play games or surfing in the social media to simply check the latest information. Devices such sophisticated technology also allows you to work outside the office. Completeness of applications such as Microsoft Office make You can make work tools while out of the office drinking coffee or other favorite places. Exotic places special recreational drugs can be stressful. The holiday will obviously make you more relaxed. Your cost certainly adjust to avoid added stress after the holidays.

6. Smile and Laugh.
Whatever happens, smile.
Smiling and laughing is one of the activities efficacious relieve stress. Smile and laugh can also make his original lighter weight and enjoyable. Even laughing can also lower blood pressure levels as well as help increase the flow of blood from the entire body.

7. Enjoy chocolate and aroma therapy.
Hhmmmm ... You can relax while enjoying chocolate. Based on the research results, steeping hot chocolate or chocolate bars can be soothing and relaxing a person. Besides chocolate, many people who have been using aroma therapy as a way to reduce stress. Based on various sources, it is evident that the aroma therapies derived from flowers and fresh herbs to give effect to relax or calm the person. So, just select aromatherapy scent you like. Moreover, there are some plants that has its own function which is positive for your body.

If you're under stress, apply the tips above. Sure, tangled face due to stress will change fresh after doing 7 things above. Not just back happy, you will be re-energized in their work and study. So, let's try.

Tips For Setting Time Can Be More Productive

Time is something that is very valuable because the elapsed time can not be played back. Often we can not complete the task on time is not because we are too busy, but we have not really able to manage our time well. Set the time is very important in order to maintain productivity. Here are the tips that we can employ to manage our time so that productivity can be maintained.

1. Planning activities at the beginning of the day
Plan your day so regularly. When I wake up in the morning, do not forget to plan the day. "Today is going to perform any activity?". Do not forget to record what is important to do that day. This activity is very important to plan so that no obligations are missed.

2. Make it a priority!
Make it a priority is crucial so that you are not afraid to live a day. In our lives, there must be some-or even a lot of tasks and obligations that must be dealt with. Well, this is the importance of setting a priority. We must also be able to distinguish what is critical, important and less important. Sometimes we still keep the ego self to do something fun, but less important. Things to know also is that everyone has their priorities. Sometimes, what you think is important, is not necessarily important to another person. Vice versa. Make your priorities themselves so that you can finish your job on time.

3. Focus when doing an activity.
Focus! If you're working on a task, focus with the task. Do not get distracted by thoughts and other things that can disrupt. Focus is the key factor in the success of an activity. When you're doing your job and you're distracted by other things (out of focus), you will need more time to work on one's your job. Begin firmly in yourself to be able to focus when doing an activity.

4. Delegate some work.
If the job is too much, why should you delegate some of the work to one person reliable. When you're involved in several events at one time, you do not need to over-exert themselves to do everything themselves. It deals with priority. Once you know where your priorities, you can choose which one should be first carried out and which can be delegated. If you are more important in the X, then you can delegate someone to represent you in a Y.

5. Recognize hours Your Productive!
Believe it or not, people have a productive time different. There are productive in the morning, there was also productive in the evenings. When we do something on our productive time, we are more able to make the time to be more effective and efficient. Vice versa. For example, you are the type of people who are earning at night, you could do something more optimally at night and would have trouble having to do it in the morning.

6. Commitment
All plans will be in vain if there is no commitment to make reaita. The things mentioned above will become useless if you do not have a commitment. Often we've set everything up neatly, but our own lack of commitment to themselves. Commit to something you've designed yourself. What is the point already planned everything if we do not want to implement what we have planned? Time management will be useless if not accompanied by a self-management.

"Let us together set the time and yourself"

Tips Strategies to Make Resolution for Next Year

One of the rituals of the New Year is to make RESOLUTION. Yuppzz! RESOLUTION. Actually, what is a resolution? Literally, the resolution was written statements, usually containing the demands of a thing. If in the context of early resolution, this resolution could mean as plans to be achieved during the next year. What makes it important resolution ..? Yes very important ..! This is so that our lives are not interrupted at one point. If you want an improvement, at least we must dare to change for the better is by making well-planned resolution. Then, how to make a good resolution ..? Consider the following tips.

If you want to progress so at least we must dare to make a resolution. Then, how the heck do I make a good resolution? Consider the following tips.

1. Correction of Resolution of the Year.
Yup! The first step to make next year's resolution is to correct the resolution we've ever made for this year. There is not still missing? If there is not yet achieved, it is better evaluated. Ask yourself whether it really wants to accomplish or not. What makes you so hard to reach that resolution? If it really still want to, do not hesitate to write back the resolution and establish new ways to achieve it.

2. Think Back What You Want.
The first step to get something is to want it. If desire alone does not exist, how can we achieve it? Think back to what you really want. Would like to have a new business? Want to pass? Want to explore new places? Or want to be more productive? Write it down. Believe me, God will see and hear our will-large or small whatever. Where there is desire, there is a way.

3. Set Target.
After writing down everything that you want, do not forget to write down the target. The target in this case is "when" deadlines that you set for yourself and the "how" you want to achieve. For example, next year you want to have a new business. You set a January should have prepared everything, and in February began selling. Do not forget to target also how much your stuff will be sold. This could also apply to other matters. Anyway, specify its timeline, so more regularly.

4. In addition to the Achievement in Content, Something You Need to Increase Non-Material.

Literally, the material is anything that looks. For example, cash, cars, jewelry, certificates, home, and so on. Usually, people write the resolution was limited to the material. In fact, there are non-material things that you have to write well. For example, improving relationships with family, friends, or neighbors. Add skill in communicating or socializing, better maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as enrich the knowledge by reading more books can also be a choice of non-resolution material. Whatever it may be an option for you to improve something that is non-material.

5. Promise and Committed and Give the Gift to Yourself.
The most common error in making resolutions is a lack of commitment to carry out the resolution. The result is not all that resolution can be achieved. Tricks you can do is to give a gift to yourself when you managed to achieve that resolution. How to? Yes could in any way. For example, spoil yourself when you achieved what you have planned.
How? It is enough enlightened?


"People who are lucky are those who today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today."
COLLEGE while WORK..? Why Not.

You're in college and wanted to spare time to work? Do not be afraid. College is a period where you will have a lot more free time compared to high school. In addition to the amount of time, a student can also specify their own time to go to college. You can get a little free to determine at what time you are in college, of course without leaving compulsory subjects and replace with elective courses.
In the world of the lecture, we are not only required to achieve maximum value, but also soft skills that can lead to a qualified workforce and society. Some students hone his soft skills by following organizations, SMEs, community, too often choosing internships or work part time. In addition to gaining experience, internship or work part-time can increase the allowance. It must be satisfied when the yet graduated from college but can produce its own money. You will be able to meet the needs of daily life with their own efforts, without asking the parents. Some students even pay tuition itself with hard work.
Despite its many positive aspects, but there are some negative things that become frightened. Many students are afraid that if his job would interfere with his studies. Here are some tips for you who want to study and work goes smoothly.

1. Instill from start to prioritize college.
Before you sink in the world of work, instilled in you by really seriously that your priority is college, not (yet) work. Remember that the status is a student. Lest you too preoccupied with work and making college dormant. Although when finished college you will also find a job, but never leave college before completion. You already have an income, but also think about the long-term. Even if you are confident that the next will be working on it, but you need bachelor to further increase knowledge to improve your position. You certainly do not want to stop here even left behind from your friends.

2. Select the working hours of work outside of class hours.
If you are already determined to work while in college, get a job that working hours outside of class hours. More precisely, choose the job that the working hours can you set yourself. When you lecture the morning, then you can work all afternoon. Likewise, when you lecture in the afternoon, you can work in the morning.

3. Be honest with your boss that you are still a student
Some types of work permit is filled by a student or even indeed addressed to students. But when you are interested in working for a company that does not provide specific vacancies for students, then do not hesitate to say if you are a student. You do not need to fear if you will be rejected when honestly say your student status.
By telling the truth, the way forward will be easier. If it does not question the status of your boss, but the origin of the job you are running well, then you can be admitted honestly. You can apply for a permit to attend college replacement and leave work for a while. For example, you work in an office, you can be clocked first. However, if your employer does not allow you to work there because of that status, it means that you have to look for another job. If you do not say Student status, you will be confused when you really need permission to leave the office for business lectures. Moreover, the lie will certainly not make quiet so unfocused and underwent maximal activity.

4. Stay in touch with college friends
Once you've been busy at work, stay connected with your friends on campus. Do not make them as you leave. Keep gather with friends albeit briefly. Make them as comfortable as before you were so preoccupied with these two routines. Good communication will also help you to get information about the course of your friends when you are not on campus.

5. Do not put off the task.
In addition to hours of lectures in class, you also have to think about an hour to do the work. When you have a task, immediately record and work as soon as possible. Although not yet matured collection, but when you have time to work immediately, do not delay. You can not guess what you can do tomorrow given the very limited free time

6. Focus on college while in class hours and focus on the job if you're in the working hours.
Although the status is and you prioritize college students, but that does not mean you can be very relaxed in the works. Do not let your performance considered bad. You still can not make Student status as a poor excuse your performance. When you're at work, you should really focus on doing office work. Prove that college is not a barrier for you to stay in the work properly. This is true vice versa. When you're in a classroom listening to a lecture, do you think of the work being left at the office. Let him wait for you to college. Did both in accordance with its portion.

7. Every second of your life is very meaningful.
Remember that you have two obligations that portion allocated almost the same time. Do the things that are important and useful thing to do. You may be refreshing, but not too long. Take advantage of the time as possible.

Well, now do not hesitate to develop yourself. In addition to GPA, you also need soft skills. There are many benefits of working part-time are not to be missed, one of which you can earn.